Why we raise Cotton Patch Geese

The Cotton Patch Goose is an American landrace breed of goose that was once a common place fixture on farms especially in the Southeast, but are now critically endangered. They are a sexually dimorphic breed, meaning that the males and females of this breed are identifiable from each other by phenotype. The ganders are generally white with some grey depending on their designation as pied (saddleback) or solids. Their phenotype is only identifiable as goslings. The females exhibit the pied (saddleback) or solid patterns with varying shades of dove grey and white. Their phenotype is visible from gosling stage to adulthood. There are subtle variations from strain to strain in size, head shape, etc, but all are easily identifiable as the same breed. 

Our aim is to promote this goose as the perfect homestead goose.  Gentle in nature, hardy, excellent foragers and parents, and possessing excellent culinary qualities. It is one of 3 geese listed in the slow food ark of taste.

Goose Gallery

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